No one knows when the hour of Afrika's redemption cometh. It is coming
One day like a storm it will be here. When that day comes all Afrika will stand together.
Therefore we must believe that the psalmist had great hopes of this race of ours when he
prophesied "Princes shall come out of Egypt and Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands unto God"
If humanity is regarded as made up of the children of God and God loves all humanity (we all know that, then God will be more pleased with the race that
protects all humanity than with the race that outrages the children of God.
And so tonight we celebrate this anniversary of our emancipation, we do it not with regret, on the contrary, we do it with an abiding confidence, a hope and faith in ourselves and in our God, And the faith that we have is a faith that will ultimately take us back to that ancient place, that ancient position that we once occupied, when Ethiopia was in her glory.